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DNS, which stands for Domain Name System, is essentially the internet's phone book. When you want to visit a website, you type in a web address, but computers and servers communicate through IP addresses. So, when you enter a web address, a DNS domain name lookup is performed. This process involves querying DNS servers to find DNS records associated with the domain name you've entered. These DNS records contain important information about the domain, including the IP address of the server where the website is hosted.
To check a DNS or perform a DNS record test, there are various tools available online that allow you to enter a domain name and retrieve detailed DNS record information. This can be particularly useful for IT professionals and website administrators who need to troubleshoot connectivity issues or ensure that DNS records are correctly configured. During this process, you can discover various types of DNS records such as A, MX, NS, and TXT, each serving different purposes but all crucial for the smooth operation and accessibility of websites on the internet.