Guide To Split Screen On Windows 10 & 11

You want to multitask on your computer. Split screen on Windows 10 & 11 lets you work with two apps at once. This guide shows how to use split screen for better productivity. Let’s get started.

Key Takeaways

  • You can split your screen in Windows 10 and 11 to work on two apps at once. This helps with multitasking.
  • Drag and Snap lets you put apps side by side easily. Move a window to the edge of your screen to do this.
  • Keyboard shortcuts make splitting the screen quick. Use the Windows key with arrow keys to choose where windows go.
  • Snap Assist shows open windows for easy choosing when splitting your screen. It makes arranging multiple apps simple.
  • Using split screen helps you work more efficiently by keeping multiple tasks visible without switching screens.

How To Split Screen in Windows 10 & 11

Splitting your screen in Windows 10 and 11 is easy. You can work on two apps side by side without having to switch back and forth.

Utilize Drag and Snap

Drag and Snap is a handy feature in Windows 10 and 11 that lets you split your screen easily. Just click the title bar of the window you want to move. Then drag it to the edge of your screen.

A transparent outline will show where it will snap into place. If you drag it to the left or right side, the window will fill half of your screen. Dragging a window to a corner lets you use four apps at once, each taking up a quarter of the screen.

Snap windows helps with multitasking by organizing open windows.

Using this feature, you can compare two documents side by side or have a video playing while working on another task. It makes using multiple apps more efficient without having to switch back and forth between them.

Employ Keyboard Shortcuts

To split your screen using keyboard shortcuts, press the Windows key along with the left or right arrow. This snaps your current window to one side of the screen. Then, choose another app for the other half.

It’s quick and easy for multitasking. Want more options? Press Windows key with up or down arrows after snapping a window left or right. This lets you use four windows on your screen at once.

Windows 10 and Windows 11 make it simple to manage multiple apps without losing track. Using these shortcuts helps you work faster and stay organized. You can easily switch between apps and compare information without wasting time dragging windows around.

Try this feature to improve how you use your computer every day.

Use the Snap Assist Menu

Windows 10 and 11 have a cool feature called Snap Assist that helps you use split screen easily. After you drag a window to one side, Snap Assist shows you other open windows to choose from for the other half of the screen.

This makes multitasking simple because you can see two windows at once without much effort.

To use Snap Assist, just click on the window you want and drag it to an edge of your screen. Then, select another app from the ones shown by Snap Assist to fill up your screen. You can work with different layouts and resize them too.

This way, using multiple apps at the same time becomes efficient.


You now know how to use split screen in Windows 10 and 11. This makes doing two things at once easy. You can drag windows, use keys, or the snap menu. Try it out to work better on your computer.

This guide wants to make multitasking simple for you.


1. What is the split-screen feature on Windows 10 and 11?

The split-screen feature on Windows 10 and 11 is a Microsoft tool that allows you to use multiple windows or apps at once by dividing your computer screen into sections.

2. How do I activate the split-screen mode in Windows?

To use the split-screen features in Windows, drag your window to one of the corners or edges of your screen. A new feature called “snap layouts” will appear asking you to choose which part of the screen you want for efficient multitasking.

3. Can I configure how my screen splits in Windows?

Yes, go to settings on your personal computer running either windows 10 or 11, there you can configure how you want to split your screen using either keyboard shortcuts or icon-based commands.

4. Is it possible to game while using other applications with this feature?

Absolutely! The split-screen function lets you quickly switch between gaming and other tasks like Google Chrome without having to close any app.

5. What if my split-screen isn’t working correctly?

If troubleshooting is needed because the snap layouts aren’t appearing when hovering over an edge with your cursor, check Microsoft community forums for solutions related specifically to either windows’ version – be it new windows 11 or older version like windows 10.

6. Are there any limitations on what apps can be used simultaneously in this mode?

No specific restrictions exist; however, performance might vary depending upon individual software compatibility with Microsoft’s multi-window manager system.

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