The world of gaming has altered dramatically in recent years. From the birth of the first video game
consoles in the 1970s and 1980s, the landscape of gaming is almost unrecognizable. The rapid
evolution of the smartphone and the capabilities of today’s computers allow users to immerse
themselves in innovative, entertaining virtual worlds with merely a few clicks.
Much like many other industries, the advancement of today’s technology continues to have a
significant impact on gaming. As we approach the end of 2023, the coming year is promising further
exploration of technologies and trends guaranteed to enhance and expand the scope of online
gaming, satisfying current users and attracting new customers.
The Continued Development of Augmented Reality

The concept of Augmented Reality, overlaying computer-generated images onto the physical
environment, has attracted interest and investment for decades. However, its use in the gaming
sphere finally received widespread recognition in 2016 with the launch of Pokémon Go. The huge
success of Pokémon Go, made possible by the increasing capabilities of the smartphone, allowed
users to interact with Virtual Reality in their physical environment.
With companies such as Google, Snap and Nvidia investing heavily in Augmented Reality, 2024 is set to provide users with even more interactive gaming experiences. The excitement of online gaming will be further enhanced, allowing users to engage with objects and characters and creating a landscape which they feel physically part of.
The Use of Cryptocurrencies
Blockchain technology has afforded the gaming industry far more opportunities with the rising
popularity of cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency offers increased levels of financial security and the
ability to safeguard personal and financial data, as well as faster and more secure transactions. This
heightened security provides users with an extra layer of reassurance while gaming and interacting
online, and all they need to get started is a digital wallet.
As gaming companies have embraced the advent of cryptocurrency, 2024 looks set to witness a
rapid rise in the number of crypto games. Crypto gaming enables players to earn cryptocurrency or
NFTs (non-fungible tokens) while playing, sometimes by fulfilling various challenges or winning
rewards. These assets can then be exchanged, traded or sold.
In essence, crypto gaming allows gamers to translate their in-game transactions and rewards into
assets with real-world, monetary value. Users can earn a viable, real-world income through their
enjoyment of gaming. While the biggest names in crypto gaming include Decentraland and Sandbox, the potential of this platform is likely to lead to new names entering the market in 2024.
The Rise of Crypto Gambling
The development of blockchain has recently facilitated cryptocurrency payment options at online casino platforms. What this means is that everyday players can transfer their digital coins onto the
casino platform, delving into their favourite games, such as slots, poker, and blackjack with the help
of secure transactions. This allows for instantaneous deposits and cash outs, especially beneficial for cross-border gamblers who visit international casinos.
Cryptocurrency transactions utilize the same blockchain networks they are built on, meaning all
transfers and gameplay are facilitated through decentralized, distributed public ledgers. This
provides transparency and security for both players and casinos.
Ultimately, the crypto gambling trend signals a major shift toward decentralized finance and banking
in the gambling world. Cryptocurrencies are transforming casinos into more accessible and secure
environments for players across the globe.
Generative AI
The money, resources and time required to build the world’s most popular games have traditionally
been steep. To make and develop a video game, employees have to be paid, software has to be
bought or developed and marketing must be undertaken. These prohibitive costs have often served
to push developers out of the market.
The advent of Generative Artificial Intelligence opens up a new world of possibilities. Generative AI
can be utilized to automate certain processes, cutting down on the need for manpower and freeing
up employees to focus on tasks that require a human touch.
Generative AI learns by studying previously established features, then putting this knowledge into
practice to create new outputs. By evaluating a provided concept, AI can use this to generate a much larger, high-quality gaming landscape. For companies who have found themselves priced out of the market, this development can make a notable difference to their prospects and users will have even more choice in the future.
Mobile Gaming and 5G
The ability to play games on a smartphone had seismic ramifications for the online gaming industry.
Suddenly, users did not have to stay at home to enjoy their favourite video games. Instead, gaming
became possible anywhere and at any time, from whiling away time on the morning commute or
sitting in a waiting room at a doctor’s surgery.
The smartphone’s evolution has allowed gamers to enjoy increasingly immersive and creative
gaming experiences; its new capabilities mean that users are carrying around a powerful computer
in their pockets. The future for the smartphone looks bright as companies continue to push the
boundaries of its underlying technology.
Connectivity is set to be revolutionized with the gradual, worldwide rollout of the 5G network.
Estimated at around 10 times faster than its predecessor 4G, 5G promises users a more flexible
network, allowing smartphones to adapt to the needs of their customers. Its lower latency will make
game-playing far smoother.
Metaverse Gaming
Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality have opened the door for the metaverse in online gaming.
Companies’ ability to create fully immersive, 3D virtual worlds gives users a truly absorbing gaming
experience. By using a VR headset, gamers can escape the mundane and access an exciting, realistic virtual world.
Furthermore, gamers can create their own avatars and interact with other players, creating a social
environment that replicates the physical world. Computers and smartphones have the capability to
connect thousands of users with each other using real-time interactivity. One of the most established games of this type is Minecraft, which encourages gamers to create their own content
and play others’ games, fostering a sense of community.
The advancement of the metaverse is changing gaming, elevating it from more of a passive activity
where we view a screen to interaction with a highly realistic, immersive experience.
The world of online gaming is progressing at a swift pace, with software and gaming developers
striving to provide users with high-quality graphics and facilitate fun and connectivity with others.
The growth of technologies such as Generative AI and the development of the metaverse will
continue to provide gamers with new opportunities throughout 2024.