Internet Stuttering: 10 Ways To Fix The Problem Forever

Internet stuttering is a common annoyance that affects everyone. However, whether we are in the midst of a gaming session or an important business video call, every second matter, and delays become much more visible.

Although the internet has come a long way in the previous decade and we are all accustomed to faster speeds and more dependable connections, it still happens from time to time that the internet keeps lagging.

While we are not all technological engineers, there are certain things you may attempt to resolve this issue and have the greatest internet connection possible.

Why is your internet stuttering?

Internet connection stuttering is nothing to worry about if it happens occasionally. Because there are several causes for this occurrence, it can and, in most cases, will resolve on its own.

However, if the internet stutters when browsing and you are frustrated, the solutions we suggested are worth a try.

The internet can become slow for a number of reasons, including:

  1. Defective connections, leading to error 504 Gateway Timeout
  2. Congested channel
  3. Inadequate Wi-Fi signal
  4. Complaints about your internet service provider

Before attempting our remedies, you may wish to use a traceroute tool to troubleshoot the issue. This will help you to discover where the connection may be having issues and whether or not you can resolve them.

How to fix a stuttering Internet connection?

First and foremost, the internet may experience a brief loss of signal without evident cause, which might occur from time to time. If this is not a frequent occurrence, there is no need for action.

However, because we rely on robust and dependable internet connections and problems usually happen while we’re in the middle of something important, these are a few things you can do to resolve the issue:

1. Restart the router

The router is one of the most important pieces of equipment required for a decent internet connection. Some internet service providers give free modems with built-in routers, or you may buy one yourself.

Because this equipment is so important, you should exercise caution while acquiring it and invest in high-quality, well-known brands.

However, keep in mind that even the finest routers might experience occasional problems and must be rebooted.

This is the first and simplest thing to accomplish, and it just takes a few minutes. All you need to do is find the power button or disconnect the power line for a few minutes.

When the router is put back in, lights will begin to flicker, indicating that a connection is being formed. After all of the lights have been switched on, you can attempt to connect to the internet on your devices.

A simple restart will usually fix the stuttering problem, but if the problem persists, there are further steps you can try.

2. Inspect all cables

If your internet connection continues stuttering and disconnecting, you should inspect the connections leading to your router. Any damaged cable or connection, or one that is improperly plugged in, might result in poor internet performance.

Examine all of the cables that connect to the device, paying specific attention to those that are twisted or damaged. You may always change cables, connectors, and splitters yourself, or you can have your internet service provider do it for you.

3. Make use of Ethernet cable

If you want a reliable and fast internet connection, use an Ethernet cable where possible. This will establish a physical link between your router and the device you are using.

Ethernet connections are often utilized by gamers, as well as in larger companies and banks where security and an unbroken connection are critical.

If your device does not have an Ethernet connection, you may always connect it with a USB network adapter. 

Furthermore, Ethernet to Power adapters are devices that function as an extension of an Ethernet connection and can deliver a steady connection to places without Ethernet ports.

4. Change the server

While we are on the subject of gaming sessions and Ethernet cables, there is one more item you should consider.

Because gaming sessions are typically connected to specific servers, internet cases of stuttering may occur.

You should have a better connection if you choose a new server, preferably one that is physically close to your house. These servers may be found all around the world, and adjusting your settings may help.

5. Adjust the router position

If you are experiencing Wi-Fi stuttering and are unable to connect via Ethernet cable, you should investigate that the bad internet connection might be caused by the position of your router.

While most people do not pay much attention to the positioning of this device, it is critical if you want strong Wi-Fi coverage across your home or workplace.

Routers should be installed at a higher level, away from other equipment and thick walls. This is to guarantee that the signal generated by the router does not traverse barriers on its way to the devices to which you are attempting to connect.

6. Alter the channels

While we are talking about Wi-Fi networks, it is worth noting that sometimes the internet is slow due to channel congestion.

The majority of your home’s equipment uses the 2.4GHz frequency and channels on that band. While this is the best option for most devices, the channels might get congested, resulting in a stuttering connection.

If you want to change the channel, go to the router interface, examine the channels, and choose the one with the least amount of traffic.

Furthermore, there are many more channels available on the 5GHz frequency, so take your time and experiment to find out what works best for you.

7. Make use of 5GHz

Along with the previously described channels, contemporary Wi-Fi emits two frequencies. One runs at 2. 4GHz and the other at 5GHz.

While 2.4GHz is slower, it covers more ground and is ideal if your room is far from the router.

If you want a quicker connection with no internet stutters, switch to the 5GHz frequency and stay near your router or modem. This frequency is considerably more consistent.

Remember that some devices will automatically select the best frequency, while others will remain connected until you actively change it.

8. Do Not Use a VPN

Although a virtual private network (VPN) can be highly beneficial for a variety of purposes, including online security, it might cause internet slowness.

This is due to the VPN taking some time to connect to a remote server and allow you to access the internet.

While most VPN users will not notice any stutters, if you require continual internet access with no breaks, VPN is not for you. This is especially true for gamers, where even a fraction of a second of latency may ruin the entire game.

9. Update your antivirus software

If the preceding tips and tactics did not fix the problem and the internet stutter test indicates that there is a problem on your end, you may need to consider updating your antivirus software.

As the internet advances, so does malware meant to do various things on your device, such as slowing down your internet connection.

This is why it is critical to keep your antivirus software up to date. Updates are generally accessible on the creator’s website and take only a few minutes to download and install.

In addition to updates, be sure to search the computer for any potentially dangerous apps that may be causing your connection issues.

As a result, we always urge our readers to purchase premium antivirus software to ensure the greatest possible security.

10. Contact Customer Service

At the end of the day, the problem with internet connections may not be something you can address, which is why we recommend doing the traceroute as the first thing. If the problem does not appear to be with your equipment, you should contact your internet service provider.

When there is maintenance work on the network, the internet lag may happen, and all you have to do is allow it some time to create new connections.

The customer service operator will walk you through further steps you may take to enhance your connection, and if they do not work, a professional technician will be dispatched to your location.

To establish whether the problem is with defective devices, they may need to replace part of the equipment, such as the router, modem, connections, and splitter.

If it does not work, the technician will troubleshoot the rest of the network and resolve any remaining connection difficulties.

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