Internet Disconnects Every Hour: 10 Ways To Fix It Forever

Internet access, as well as dependable and fast connections, are no longer regarded as luxuries, but rather necessities. Our lives are increasingly online, encompassing employment, education, socializing, and leisure. 

Everything you need may be obtained online, and a strong internet connection is required. But what happens when you find internet disconnecting every hour, leading to 504 Gateway Timeout, 404 error page or so?

Even the greatest internet service providers and top-of-the-line technology cannot ensure that your connection will not fail from time to time. However, if it occurs frequently, there are a few things to consider and a few techniques to attempt to solve it.

Why does Internet disconnects every hour?

Many of us are occasionally left with poor connections or even full disconnections that appear to occur at random times. However, if you see a trend in your connection issues, here’s what you need to know.

First and foremost, attempt to determine the timing. If you observe frequent interruptions in your connection, attempt to determine whether they are entirely random or occur at the same time.

This will tell you a lot about the possible difficulties you may be experiencing and will get you one step closer to a solution.

If your internet disconnects every 60 minutes, there are a few possibilities:

  1. An issue has arisen with your internet service provider;
  2. The problem might be with your modem or router.
  3. It is conceivable that DHCP is not functioning properly.

Usually, these are the most frequent issues that people face, but there are many more alternatives to consider. 

The connection is failing due to a problem with your modem or router. When your device is unable to establish a strong connection with your internet service provider, anticipate it to drop often.

You should also evaluate whether the lost connection is through Wi-Fi or Ethernet cable and whether it is on one or all of the devices.

Because we prepared numerous solutions, pinpointing these difficulties is critical to determining the best potential answer for your situation.

How to stop losing internet connection every hour?

Once you have determined that there are several reasons why your connection may be weak and the internet cuts out every hour, you may attempt one of our solutions to resolve the issue permanently

Keep in mind that if your internet drops randomly, it might be due to network maintenance, and all you have to do is give it some time.

However, if the connection keeps dropping, attempt to address the problem by first examining the hardware and then focusing on the software issues.

The following tips might just be the quickest and easiest solution for your poor connection, so read them closely.

1. Restart your modem or router

To begin, the easiest and most efficient technique of resolving most connection issues is to just restart your modem or router. Keep in mind that some internet service providers provide their own equipment, and modems sometimes come with a router built-in.

Make sure to restart both devices if you have two, or simply the modem if you only have one.

Because the connection issue is most likely caused by a conflict between your router and your internet service provider, a simple and correct restart will establish new connections and resolve many difficulties.

Locate the on/off button on the back of the device or simply disconnect it from the power supply for a few seconds to properly restart it. Allow some time for the device to create new connections before attempting to connect to the internet again.

2. Check the cables

If restarting the device does not solve the problem, you may need to check the cords to ensure there is no problem there. Although damaged cables are known to cause abrupt signal loss, it might appear as though the internet resets every hour.

There are numerous cables that need to be examined.

Begin with the power cord, ensuring that it is correctly attached and not broken. Proceed to the coaxial line and check for any loose connectors, splitters, or other possible damaged points along the wire.

In addition, if you are connecting using an Ethernet cable, you should double-check it. Check for any destroyed components and that the connection is made via a good port on the device.

If you think that one of the cables is producing a bad connection, you may repair it yourself or request that your internet service provider do it for you.

3. Positioning of the modem or router

After you have ruled out the cable connections, you may look into some other possible reasons for this problem. One of the most prevalent is the positioning of the router or modem.

Many people like to include this equipment into their décor, so they keep it out of sight, on shelves, or concealed. While we appreciate the necessity for aesthetics here, this location can lead to a number of issues, including overheating and poor Wi-Fi coverage.

Overheating occurs when a gadget does not have enough room to cool down, and if the modem has an integrated router that handles all of the work. This has also the potential to cause it to malfunction and drop connections. 

As a result, it is critical to keep the gadget away from other items and give it plenty of room to have adequate airflow and cool down.

Poor Wi-Fi coverage is another issue that might arise as a result of poor placement, turning into a weak Wi-Fi signal across the home or office. Your internet connection may be failing because your devices are not getting Wi-Fi signals.

This is easily fixed by positioning the router higher up, away from all of the gadgets and thick walls. Providing excellent Wi-Fi coverage and a robust signal, reducing the possibility of internet outages.

4. Check the DHCP configuration

Because this situation is so particular due to the one-hour time constraint, you need additionally take into account the DHCP reservations and addresses. DHCP may allocate IP addresses in two ways: static and dynamic.

Most IP addresses are dynamic, which means that when one device is not connected to the network, the IP address is recycled and utilized for the next device that enters the range.

However, these IP addresses may be leased for one hour and then disconnected.

If this is the case, you may either extend the duration at which IP addresses are leased or give a static IP address to the required device to avoid future issues. 

All of the options are located in the network connections settings and simply take a few seconds to configure and test. It’s a good option to know if you are interested in port forwarding but also for everyday uninterrupted internet browsing.

5. Reset your modem or router

When it comes to hardware, one of the final things you should attempt is a complete reset of the modem or router.

This may be accomplished in two ways: by locating a small reset hole in the back of the device and pressing the button within, or by resetting it manually via the interface

Both techniques will reset the device and create entirely fresh connections.

However, bear in mind that, unlike rebooting the device, this option will delete all of your prior passwords and settings. It may take some time to re-establish everything, but the benefits are typically well worth the effort.

New connections are speedier and provide a continuous, uninterrupted supply of internet.

6. Install the most recent network adapter drivers

Hardware concerns are no longer an issue, and we can now concentrate on certain software issues that might result in bad connections and internet outages.

If the connection problem is limited to a single device, we can presume that the device is the source of the problem. After you have verified the Ethernet connections, ports, and Wi-Fi coverage, there is one more item to look into: the network adapter drivers.

These drivers are sometimes not correctly installed, and even if they are, there are frequent updates that you must download to ensure that everything is operating properly.

There should be a network adapters option in the device manager, and right-clicking on that icon will give you the option to search for updates.

This step is straightforward to carry out and only takes a few minutes to download and install. This, on the other hand, should resolve any connectivity difficulties you are experiencing with that device.

7. Clear the network settings

Another thing you could miss if your internet goes out every hour is network settings, but you should pay attention to them. Several choices might impact the internet connection, including VPN (a virtual private network) and DNS (domain name system).

If you have any issues, make sure to manually reset them to verify that these preferences are not interfering with the connection.

Some of them are set to default and others are changed manually. Whatever the case is, you can change it around and see if the situation improves.

8. Verify the data limit

Another factor to examine if the internet drops are so frequent and spaced out in 60-minute intervals is the data limit. While we are all accustomed to having limited data consumption on our cellphones, there is an option to limit it while at home as well.

It is not as frequent as you may assume, but it can happen if your internet service provider has limitations in place, or if someone places them on the modem itself. It is simply addressed with a few mouse clicks on the modem’s UI.

Check to see if there are any time limits in place and adjust them to your liking. If you are comfortable with unlimited data transfer turn it off completely.

9. Alter the equipment

Modems and routers, as well as connections, cables, and gadgets, are required for a good and stable internet connection. However, as technology advances, it is important to remember that everything has an expiration date.

All modems and routers that are more than 5 years old are deemed obsolete. While they may continue to work for a long time after the original 5-year term, they are not the safest or most flexible alternative.

New upgrades for these gadgets are only issued for a few years until new models take over, leaving older versions without extra security patches and installations.

This can result in a poor and sluggish internet connection, as well as an hourly decrease. To perform optimally, ensure that your equipment is new and meets all of the requirements.

New modems can be provided by your ISP or you can upgrade them yourself, just make sure they can be used with the package you are subscribed to.

10. Contact your internet service provider

If none of the previous solutions address the problem, you may need to contact your internet service provider and customer care. This is the next best choice if you are absolutely certain that you cannot solve the problem.

The assistance provided over the phone might not be sufficient, but they may have some information on whether repair work is currently ongoing on the network.

If there are none, a specialist will be dispatched to your home or business to further analyze the problem and utilize sophisticated instruments to pinpoint the source.

They may need to replace the connections, cables, and even the modem to guarantee that their equipment is not causing internet outages. 

It is also conceivable that the issue is somewhere along the connection line between you and your internet service provider, in which case teams will be deployed to the location to assess and resolve the issue.

Since there are several possibilities if the internet disconnects every hour, some of them may be too complicated to be resolved promptly and on your own, so in that case, relying on your ISP customer service would be the safest option.

In the case that the issue is caused by software, you now have all of the alternatives for resolving it before calling customer service.

Because a fast and stable internet connection is essential in our everyday lives, we are always concentrating our attention on quick and easy solutions you may use to enjoy the greatest online experience ever.

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